Blog, Blog, Blog

This blog is basically a journal for "keeping track" of my work as I create it. I'll post pictures, sketches and any updates or info I feel is necessary to the process as I go from start to finished pieces.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Here's one of my tiles. There are 4 so far and they are in the in kiln being bisqued at the moment. On Sunday I'll glaze them with a clear and fire them to cone 06. The colors should get much darker and the little details will be more apparent after the glaze fire. Excited to see the final product!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Some Inspiration

Charles Timm Ballard is an artist who's tile work I'm interested in his because of his choice of color palette and the way he simplifies nature scenes in his painting on ceramics. Here's a link to see some of his work-

New Ideas

This is a tile piece I made last spring from a photo I took in Italy. It's made of a red clay body, underglaze with stains and clear glaze (this is a photo from before it was framed). My favorite part was the left top corner of sky and I'm using that as a jumping point for my work this semester. I'm making a series painted tiles from aerial photos I took in North Carolina.


Here's my grandmas! I made them last semester for advanced ceramics (fall 2009)